English Orientation: The Tour

Japanese Panda Buses

"C'mon everybody, here we GOOOOOO! (Peter Pan at Disneyland)

Important note: if you are registered for the class, then read and follow the instructions on this page carefully. After looking over the class, you will be required to do a simple orientation assignment on Canvas, due no later than the second day of the semester. If you do not complete the assignment then you may be dropped from the class as a no-show.

the tour

To see how the various components of the course work, you must visit and read the following Web pages. Click on the links to visit a section of the course; read the information on those pages completely (there is a lot of information on how things work); come back here to click on the next link.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: read these pages carefully; you are responsible for this material, and there is information that relates to how the course works and how to earn a passing grade; if you say you did not know, for example, that discussion responses were required, you have no excuse; the information is here. If you have any questions not covered on the course website, send me an e-mail at jrcorbally@gmail.com.

  1. Read the entire course Syllabus (the home page for this course). Make sure you understand what texts you need, what grades are based on, etc. Note: pay special attention to the section on Student Responsibilities.

  2. Read the course Discussion page. On that page there is a lot of information (with examples) about how to earn points for the required class discussions. Discussions will take place on the Canvas message board. Once the school loads you into the Canvas site, you will find instructions on just how the message board works when you click the DISCUSSION tab on the Canvas site.

  3. Read the course Writing Assignments page. Pay special attention to information on paper length, MLA format requirements (there is a link to a sample sheet on MLA format; you will want to look at that too), late essays, and "How to Submit your Work" instructions. If you have any questions, just ask.

  4. Look at the course Class Schedule page. This is the central hub of our class; it has links to just about everything; it has all due dates, all required readings, and so on. I recommend you bookmark (mark as one of your favorites) this page; you will be coming back to this page it often, probably daily.

canvas help
and, well, help in general

As you can see, most of this course is not on Canvas; our course homepage is on our solarlottery site.

However, we will be using the canvas discussion board (often) for the class, and there is a firewall-protected unofficial gradebook you will want to look at to keep track of your progress in the class. Once the class roster is loaded onto Canvas, you will be able to access the Canvas site. If you are unfamiliar with Canvas you can find some help here:

Canvas Tutorials

And if you are uncomfortable with the new e-mail system, SIS, or just need to download a free copy of Microsoft Office, that information can be found here:

LAHC Student Portal

Yes, this repeats what I had on the first Orientation page; I want to make sure everyone is aware there is help/information available.

Visit our class site on Canvas and look around. There will not be a whole lot there yet, but there is a first announcement, and you will be able to look at the class Discussion Board, and you will soon be doing your first assignment (listed below) in the Assignments, Tests and Surveys section of our class.

Here are a couple of VERY IMPORTANT NOTES about contacting me:

click here to go on to the Orientation Assignment page