if you selected "Paper 1" from the Schedule, why did you end up here?

You ended up here because it is essential that you read and understand all of the information below before setting up and submitting any of your essays to me. If you do not follow the correct format, your papers will not be accepted (they will need to be redone and will be docked the late penalty you read about on the class Home page); if they are not saved properly, then I won't be able to open and read them (which is a problem). If papers are only 2 pages long, then they will not earn points.

So, yes, I know this is dry stuff; I also know many of you already know this material, but don't just pass it by. The real link to Paper 1 is at the bottom of this page; links on the Schedule will actually take you to those other paper topics.

general information about essays

The 100-point essays will generally require you to develop papers of between 4-5 full typed pages in standard MLA format (see below) to adequately cover the topic. You'll want to use specific examples whenever possible. Feel free to draw on personal experience, but that's generally not enough to support your thesis. Content is most important with these essays, but I will look closely at the form of the essays as well, so you'll need to edit and proofread to eliminate as many of the spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax errors as possible to earn a high score.

NOTE: these are not just personal opinion papers.

These are, for the most part, literary analyses. You'll need to locate themes / issues / ideas in the work(s) you are discussing; generate a clear, focused thesis; build your essay with clear observations supported and illustrated by documented quotations.

For more information on how to Write about Literature, click the button below:

writing about literature

And feel free to visit the school's Writing Lab (LAC 113a) for more examples and writing help.

MLA essay format

Save a copy

always keep copies of all of your assignments. If there is a problem with either e-mail or snail-mail, you will need that copy to re-send for credit. Give it a name that is easy to recognize and save it on your computer where you can easily locate it.

formatting in WORD

attaching your file

All essays must be in standard MLA (Modern Language Association) format; this is the format you should have learned in English 101. College and university academic standards require that papers written in the humanities (there is a different format for scientific papers) be submitted in this format.

For complete information on what this format looks like, refer to an MLA style manual or any standard college writing handbook. I have also included a copy of a sample MLA paper with some instructions that you can look at here (I've saved the files in two formats; you should be able to open at least one):

Sample MLA Essay in Word (.doc) Format
Sample MLA Essay in Rich-text (.rtf) Format

Note that a paper not in MLA format will not be accepted.

You can also find information on the MLA format and more general information on academic writing at the following web site:

Purdue OWL site (be sure to click on "MLA Guide").

Your English 101 handbook has further information on format, and you can visit the school's Writing Lab in the Learning Assistance Center for more help.

Please look over the format of your essay before you submit it. You will lose points for incorrectly-formatted papers; in some cases, essays will not be accepted if the format is too far from the MLA standards.

how to submit your work

Your essays will be submitted to me as attachments to e-mail. Write the paper in standard MLA format in WORD, save your paper on your hard drive or on a floppy disk, and attach the file to an e-mail addressed to me. When sending assignments, YOUR E-MAIL MESSAGE should include your name, the class, and the name of the assignment which is attached (this is in addition to the heading information that you'll have on the attached essay itself). Send your e-mail to me at jrcorbally@gmail.com.

NOTE: If you do not have Microsoft WORD (Word 365 is free; check the LAHC Student Portal) on your computer, you must save your file as either a Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) file or as .pdf file before attaching it. My WORD software can translate files from a number of other word-processing programs, but there are many that it cannot. Gooogle Docs often will mess up the format, and I do not have various DRIVE accounts (such as OneDrive), so do not send those.

late essays

Try to get all work in on time. Late essays will always (unless there's some problem with my server on the day the work is due) be penalized. A late essay will lose 10% of the total score. NOTE: Any essay that is more than one week late will receive no credit! To avoid a late penalty (or a zero), it's a very good idea to submit work early. Always keep a copy of your work in case it gets lost in transmission.

Extra Credit and Free Pass

The final discussion is extra credit (optional). There may be additional extra credit; if so, you will get an Announcement to that effect :)

Also, I know things come up in life. And so you get ONE FREE PASS this semester that will let you skip any ONE of the 20-point discussions. If you would like to use it, just email me at my GMail address to let me know. There is, however, an important consideration:

finally, here is the link to Paper 1 (just click the button :)

paper 1

All other paper topics are reached by clicking the appropriate links on the Class Schedule page.

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