Normally 10 points max can be earned with your Post, and the other 10 can be earned with a minimum of two substantive responses to other iems on the board. Normally. This week will be a little different

hellos and play

This week you are going over course materials and familiarizing yourself with the class. I want you to poke around on the Discussion Board as well, and so this low-stakes, free-form "discussion" is more about you introducing yourself, sharing your first exercise, and you being introduced to the Discussion board. This requires little (no?) thought, and you can earn a full 20/20 just by Posting the required elements below. You do not have to respond to other students, but you are definitely welcome (and encouraged) to.

NOTE: this Discussion has three parts; all parts are required

  1. First, in a few sentences, introduce yourself (you might want to let us know a little bit about your background, your goals, your thoughts (fears?) about the course--whatever you feel you want to share).

  2. After your introducction, type out the Annie Lamott exercise you did from Lecture 1 this week. It should be a few hundred words. Oh, you forgot to do that? Well, NOW'S THE TIME!

  3. Then, well, play, experiment, try out the board. I recommend you try to do at least the following:

    • Try some of the text editing features (changing size and text effects and so on).

    • See if you can copy/paste a picture of two from the internet; keep in mind some pictures on the internet are copy protected and cannot be copied/pasted, so you might need to poke around. Pick one of your favorite subjects; search it on Google; select the Images tab, and poke around. Do be mindful of others, and do not post anything clearly offensive (cute is much safer). So, for example, if you love Sunrio anime, you might put up a picture of Aggretsuko. Dodger fan? How 'bout a picture of Don Drysdale?

    • See if you can embed a YouTube video, maybe a Minute Science thingy.

    • Try to attach a file (bottom left of the message box)...try a .jpg or a Word doc.

Try to have some fun with this :)

oh, and will you see me on the board this week?

You bet you will :)