"Harrison Bergeron"

(this week you are not required to put up responses, but you are welcome to)

Special Note:

This final discussion is EXTRA CREDIT Yes, it is worth up to 20 points, but they are bonus points

You are not required to reply to other items on the discussion board, and, in fact, it will be difficult to since this is due early in the week (look at the Class Schedule for the due date)

You've had a chance to consider a lot of questions relating to Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron." It's a short story, but it's also a rich story that explores a number of issues (some politically incorrect) that are still relevant in the United States (and elsewhere) today.

Discuss the following:

As always, this discussion is not about your opionin. You are absolutely welcome to agree or disagree with Vonnegut on any number of things, but that should not show up on the discussion board. Your job is to explain, with actual examples from the story and the real world, what the story means, what Vonnegut's position is and why.