Choose one of the following topics. Post your answer on the Discussion Board.

SPECIAL NOTE: this week you are not required to Reply to anyone else's Post.

  1. SHARE WITH THE CLASS: Locate a Google Project that is not in our reading this week. Share the name of the project. Explain the purpose of the project (who it serves, what problem it addresses, what teh benefits are). Describe it in enough detail, showing pluses and minuses, that your reader can understand what this project does and how it works (or is intended to). If it is a project that is already being used, where and how?

    Then provide a link to the site where you read about this project.

    NOTE: this information will be very useful to the entire class for the upcoming Google Projects paper.

  2. Describe a local problem in detail (not a world problem) that you think you could personally do something about to help. If Ashland Park is filled with litter, well, describe that. No, you can't personally go end all littering, but maybe you could go to Ashland Park with some friends and family once a month and pick up litter for an hour or two.

    Obviously some problems are beyond your ability to address personally, but there are lots of things you can do:

    • providing after-school tutoring in a school library
    • put together a pot luck with food to be delivered to neighborhood shut ins
    • setting out food collection boxes on lawns or in driveways to collect food for a local food bank
    • etc.

    Next, to get community involved in helping out, create a flier (or at least the text you would have on the flier) that you could circulate in the neighborhood saying where and when you are going to be doing this. If they need to supply anthing (gardening tools if you intend to help beautify the local elementary school, for example), explain that as well. If you want to get more creative, you can actually create the flier itself and attach it to your Post, but that's completely optional.