a last bit of review as you finish up the final project

This is really a lot like the earlier "How to Gloss a Prompt" lecture, so I'm going to simplfy this and cut right to the chase. The prompt for the Final Project is pretty long. What makes it even more complex is that there are four topics to choose from. Fortunately, the expectatoins (with appropriate variables) are pretty similar regardless of the topic you selected.

Use the following checklists as you evaluate your paper before you submit your essay. You want to make sure you did not miss anything. I recommend printing this out and using as an actual checklist.

Basic Requirements

These are the minimum requirements for the paper to be even considered:

Content Elements that Should be in Your Project

Yhe first 1/2 of this project is already done. You are using that 100-point paper as the first 1/2 of this project, and it must be included AS the first 1/2 of this paper.

Yes, you may make some minor changes if you find things that you could improve. On the Alt House paper, for example, you might have needed more examples in the historical section you researched.

You will possibly replace the last paragraph of that shorter paper with a transitional sentence that leads to the second 1/2 of your project. For the Google Projects paper, that transtion might be something like this:

One controversial project that Google actually discontinued but should consider revisiing is Waymo, the driverless car.

Following that you would have 2-3 pages just arguing that position using newly-researched information (yes, with more quotation/citations and those new sources added to your Works Cited).

So, yes, we are scaffolding

That is, we are building on to the earlier, shorter papers with an additional section. Using the Alt House topic as an example, here is what that paper will NOW consist of:

Submission Options