Following is a good student paper. By good I mean that it is clear, well edited and proofread, developed with some specific examples, enhanced with dialogue and descriptive detail and action. This also meets the four-full-pages requirement; in fact, it goes beyond the minimum length requirement.

It is not, however, an "A" paper. Read through the paper (click on the link for a rich-text-format version of the file or a Word document version of the file), and then read the comments that follow.

Here is the paper as a Word document (it's an earlier version of Word which should be accessible to all Word(s)

Here is the paper in Rich-Text Forma (in case you have trouble opening the Word file)

Both versions are in standard MLA format, the required format for your essays.

Here is the paper as a Word document (it's an earlier version of Word which should be accessible to all Word(s)

Here is the paper in Rich-Text Forma (in case you have trouble opening the Word file)

Both versions are in standard MLA format, the required format for your essays.