Graphic Fiction

When I was younger, I read, almost exclusively, comic books, and I think I have a fairly measured and varied view of the world. But those early DC (and later Marvel) comics were relatively straight-forward. Sometimes (as in the heroin issues of Green Lantern / Green Arrow produced by Adams and O'Neil), they dealt with social issues, but they were rarely ambiguous or challenging. Since then comics have spawned a much-studied, thought-provoking sub-genre, graphic fiction.

Before putting up your discussion, be sure to read the samples on Etudes in the Resources section under "Readings" > "Short Stories" > "Graphic Fiction"; there a few short excerpts for you to look at.

Discuss one of the following:

  1. A picture is not necessarily worth a thousand words; however, in a graphic story or novel (or series), the illustration is certainly a distinctive element to consider. Which of the graphic fiction readings depends a lot on the illustration to add to the meaning of the stories? Explain what you see as a key idea (or maybe plot, depending on the examples you select) of each story, and discuss just how the illustrations add to that idea or develop the plot.

    If you choose this topic I would like you to discuss just one of the works in your posting (so that everyone has a chance to "spread out" and have more fresh things to say).

  2. You need not limit yourself to the samples on Etudes; instead, you can write about the same topic but apply it to any other graphic novel you have read.

    However, graphic novels can be pretty long and complex. Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons's Watchman, for example was originally twelve comics published by DC in the mid-80s, and these were later gathered as a single graphic novel. The book is rich with ideas about the nature of the graphic novel, politics, social issues, morality, and so on. So you may want to focus your discussion on just one element; for example, you could just discuss how the inset EC Comics parody--The Black Freighter--which makes ongoning appearances in the novel, relates to the book as a whole. Along those same lines, if you want to look ahead, you could even compare this comic-within-a-comic to the technique Shakespeare used quite a bit, the play-within-a-play.

    There are lots of graphic novels to choose from (I am partial to the early Neil Gaiman Sandman story arcs, but even comics such as Saga are being reproduced as graphic novels).

Note: manga, such as Fruits Basket or One Peg, do not generally fit topic 2 above; however, if you find something which is more experimental, such as Uzumaki, it may just work.