Let's try something a bit different; this will be a "Share Day" rather than a Discussion.

what does that mean?

For one thing, it means you do not have to Reply to other students this week; your score will depend entirely on your Post. Basically, you will be sharing information and sources that the class may use for part of next week's full-length Upcycling paper. Yes, we have done a lot of pre-writing leading up to this first four-page paper.

You surely remember this part of the prompt for the Stuff Exercise you did this week:

The next sentence will, of course, be about upcycling, and you will need to locate some information on the internet (you saw how in one of this week's videos). Look up one of the following two things (and you need to locate the sources yourself; do not use the readings I gave you; I looked those up):

  1. what are some of the earliest examples of upcycling?
  2. why is upcycling currently a popular trend?

Read the article and find one or two lines that have really interesting examples that you can quote word-for-word in your paper. If you looked up #1, then your next sentence will be this (or something very much like it):

Upcycling is not new; according to one article, it has roots that go back to, " ____________ " (Lastname).

If you looked up #2, then your next sentence will be this (or something very much like it) instead:

There are several reasons upcycling is currently popular; according to one article, " ____________ " (Lastname).

Whichever of those you choose, you will need to fill in that blank inside the quotation marks with the super-interesting direct quotation that you located in that article.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the quoted passages should be a few sentences, not just a couple of words. You want some details from those sources.

OK, we are going to FLIP it!

That is, if you chose "what are some of the earliest examples of upcycling?" for your Stuff Exercise, then you will be writing about reasons why upcycling is trending here.

If, instead, you chose "why is upcycling currently a popular trend?" for your Stuff Exercise, then you will be writing about historical examples or repurposing and upcycling here.

Whichever you are responsible for here, you will include a few things in your "Share":

(sort of)?

Well, yes. Canvas is not a full-featured Word processing software, so you do not need to get the font or spacing or hanging indents correct. All of the information and punctuation and order, however, must be complete. To help, I will include an example in the instructions for the Discussion on the Discussion board. And, no, you may not use my example as YOUR example.

Also, I want the class to "spread out" with this so that we get lots of different examples, so I am setting the Discussion up so that you must Post before you can read other students' Posts.

And that's it! No, it is not meant to be hard or tricky; it's meant to be helpful, something you can actually use in your longer paper.