everything depends on which path format you chose

No, the pictures don't do anything this time; the information is much the same for all three

museum sequal graphic fiction

well, there are some differences, especially with the print option

Printed projects will be submitted as attached files (.doc, .docx, ,pdf, .rtf), but they will vary.

Museum Project

Likely your project ended up being something like a catalog for the entire museum or for a special exhibit. It would be the sort of thing you would hand out (or sell) to visitors. It might have multiple sections with headers up top, like ABOUT US and FLOORPLAN and KEY EXHIBITS and even PARKING and certainly REFERENCES (where you can reproduce the Works Cited page you had for your Research Paper). There will be pictures, a floorplan sketch, etc. Since you all visited museums, you (well, I hope you) all were able to look at similar catalogs/guidebooks.

Sequel Project

This will look like any other MLA-format manuscript. That is actually the format most publiishers require novelists to submit their manuscripts in. It will not have a Works Cited page, and it will not have pictures. Yes, it's the simplist in that respect, but you have to win the audience with the strength of the story alone.

Graphic Fiction Project

This will probably not be in print form UNLESS you are doing just the text (without pictures), in which case be sure you are using the comic book format that was on the assignment page. Yes, you could send a .pdf if you have the software to do so, and you could (I suppose) send .jpgs of the pages, but they would have to be really clear. Even though I am not a huge PowerPoint fan, that method (or Prezi) actually might make more sense for this group.

if you are producing a PowerPoint (or Prezi) slideshow

This makes most sense for the Graphic Novel folks. You can produce multi-panel slides with your own images, or you can mix images and text on individual slides.

It might be OK for the Museum Project (can you sense my lack of enthusiasm?), but it is definitely not for the Sequel people.

The web-based presentation will work really well for all three

It may seem an unlikely format for the Sequel Project, but think about all of that blooging that is being done all 'round the world.

Of course, it is a wonderful way to integrate images, text (there's the Graphic Novel) and other media (maybe a video clip that will be playing at the museum.

As you can probably guess, I think web design is fun, and I acknowledge my web-slinging (I hope that is not copy-righted) students produce far-cleverer stuff than I do. That's terrific! If you like this sort of thing, there are so many free platforms to build sites on. But DO NOT feel pressured to do a Website. Do what you want. I like all sorts of things :)

Here's the easiest part: all you need to send me is an e-mail with the URL (link) to the site.