thinking like a novelist

Before you do this step: be sure that you fully understand the entire project. In this step you are going to show that you read those instructions carefully, and to show that you reallly thought about what sort of scene or short chapter would make a compelling sequel or prequel or paraquel (happens at the same time as Mandel's book but to different characters in a different place with a different situation) you imagine. You need to understand the limitations of the assignment, and you need to make sure you have a very tight focus and a sense of some very specific situation or activity or place.

If you are at all unsure, then you want to go back and review The Sequel Project and then return here.

ok, so you're back and ready to go

In addition to having carefully explored the assignment requirements, you should also have looked over any random five-page section of Mandel's book to see just how little can actually be narrated in that short space. You should have thought of what the overall sequel would be about and what the specific scene (imagine a very tense scene or an action-packed scene) is that you want to develop and why. Remember you will start in the middle of some action and end with some sort of cliffhanger. Also you need to have thought about how you will do a very focused research project that relates to the scene, and decided what format (Blogsite? Paper? Something else?) you want to work with to present the sequel.

what you will turn in (and how)

Before you spend a great deal of time on the research, the invention, the writing, you will need to get a Project Proposal APPROVED by me (yes, I will actually write you back "APPROVED" or not; if not, then you will need to revise it until it is APPROVED. Be sure you check the due date on the Class Schedule.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: I will not accept your final project if you have not had the Project Proposal approved. Then things roll down hill in a very unfortunate way--you will not get a score for this 200-point paper; you will not pass the class.

The proposal itself is not hard, but it does require you to have considered your options, to have thoroughly read and understood the project choices. The (short) proposal will be typed in MLA format, and it will include:

You will e-mail the Project Proposal as an attched Word (.doc, .docx or .rtf) or .pdf file. Once it is APPROVED! you can go on to the next step.

do not rush this and have it returned to you unapproved; that wastes time

Really think thoroughly about the assignment, the requirements of the whole project that this is a proposal for. Be creative, yes, but also be practical. Do not make this huge; be sure it has a point; be sure you can come up with a research paper with a clear/pointed thesis; be sure you develop an exciting (or at least thought-provoking) part of a story that draws readers in and makes them want to read more. It really is a lot to think about.

you are not alone

Be sure (before you submit a proposal) that you look at the Sample Sequel Proposal on Etudes (in the Resources > Essays > Station Eleven section.