Very Important Note:

If you have not yet looked at the overall assignment, please do so before you proceed. You can't make an informed choice about which project path to take unless you know what each kind of project will require you to do from start to finish.

Yes, there is a lot to read; I know. That is to help you see the scope of each project to help you make a choice. Here is the link to the Station Eleven Project(s) page (you will follow all three paths (click on the three pictures) to learn about all three project options.

For even more information to help you decide, look at the sample finished projects on Etudes > Resources > Essay Assignments.

it all depends

This step is critically important for a couple of reasons: first, it will ensure you are not wandering off the path and wasting a lot of your time; second, no Station Eleven Research Paper or Final Project will be accepted/graded if you have not had your Proposal APPROVED! And you can't pass the class without passing this assignment (so, it's important).

Each of the three project choices requires you to submit a Project Proposal (see due date on the Class Schedule page), but the exact nature of each Project Proposal is a bit different for each kind of project. Clicking on the appropriate picture/link below will take you to the Project Proposal section of your project:

NOTE: there are also sample Project Proposals for each project type for you to look at in the Resources section on Etudes.


Click on the picture of the Louvre Museum (below)
to see the Museum Project Proposal information


Click on the picture of the electric light bulbs (below)
to see the Sequel Project Proposal information


Click on the picture of the comic book (below)
to see the Graphic Fiction Project Proposal information

graphic fiction