readings, discussions, lectures, quizzes, papers

Very important note: all assigned readings are required! Do not just do one or two items when several are listed; your discussions should demonstrate you've done all of the reading. If not, you will not earn full points.

Readings are to be done ASAP during the weeks in which they are listed below.
Click on the discussion, and lecture links each week to go to that week's discussions and lecture.

Some lectures have examples you can view by clicking links on the page; be sure you look at those.

Look at information on paper topics well in advance of paper due dates. Remember that this term is only eight weeks; you cannot procrastinate.

WEEK 1 (10/21 - 10/25)

  • Lecture 1
  • Orientation Assignment (due 10/23)
    Yes, this is Wednesday, the third day of class!
    Try to do this quiz (on Canvas) early to avoid being dropped.
  • Discussion 1 (due 10/25)
    This is a Friday.

    Postings are USUALLY due Fridays by midnight;
    late postings earn no points.
    This week there are no Replies due.
Reading: 1

IMPORTANT! Day 1 be sure you do the ONLY module on our Canvas site; it is the class Orientation.
That is how you will get the answers to the Orientation Quiz.

Unless you see otherwise, locate readings by going to Canvas and looking under Files

  • Read what is in the Week 1 Readings folder on Canvas.
    There is a short article that will help with the Annie Lamott exercise, which is part of this week's discussion.

Yes, I know some of you will be tempted to skim them, and they are long-ish. They have to be; I have compressed a sixteen-week class
into seven weeks, and I've actually eliminated quite a lot as it is. The lecture material is essential, and you are responsible
for all of the information in them.

So Week 1 you should know how to look very closely at things and describe them in detail.
By Week 2 you should know how to READ closely, note important information, and use quoted material from the readings in your papers.
By Week 3 you should know how to quote/cite from researched sources and to put your writing in MLA-8 format, and so on.

None of this is hard if you read and follow instructions, but you are not born knowing these things. Don't just assume you already know all of this.

On a positive note, these take the place of a very expensive (far too expensive) handbook I used to use,
and it is a lot less reading than was assigned from that handbook.

So please read all of the lecture material, carefully. Review it if you need to.

WEEK 2 (10/28 - 11/1)

  • Lecture 2
  • Discussion 2 (due 11/1) THURSDAY
    Friday is a holiday; however,
    Posts put up Friday will NOT be
    counted as late;
    replies continue to 11:59 pm Sunday.


REMINDER: Unless you see otherwise, locate readings by going to Canvas and looking under Files

  • Articles on "Too Much Stuff" for the Discussion

  • Readings are in the Week 2 Readings Folder

Also these two short videos on MLA Format (all of your papers must be in MLA format, or they will not be accepted.

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: There is an assignment called Stuff Exercise due next week.
Be sure you read ahead to see what you need to do. There are Sample Papers in next week's Files section on Canvas.

WEEK 3 (11/4 - 11/8)

NOTE: You will want to read this lecture BEFORE
doing Wednesday's Stuff Exercise.


Stuff Exercise (due 11/6) WEDNESDAY
before midnight

Note: this short exercise is due Wednesday
because we will use part of it for
Friday's Discussion.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: papers not in correct MLA format
will not be accepted.
I strongly recommend you use the set-up Videos
and/or the MLA Sample file AS you set this up.

  • Discussion 3 (due 11/8, Friday)

    There are NO REPLIES due this week.


REMINDER: Unless you see otherwise, locate readings by going to Canvas and looking under Files

  • Articles on Upcycling and Resources on MLA-8 format

  • Readings are in the Week 3 Readings Folder (Including Samples of the Writing Assignment)

Also these two short videos on Research and Works Cited

  • Video on locating information on an online article for your Works Cited page
  • Video on how to search for "useful" research sources

    ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: be sure you are reading ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS and my RESPONSES (to everyone) in the DISCUSSIONS. Much of my teaching takes place in those places.

  • WEEK 4 (11/11 - 11/15)


    Upcycling Stuff Paper (due 11/13) Wednesday
    before midnight

    IMPORTANT REMINDER: papers not in correct MLA format
    will not be accepted, and late papers will be penalized 10%.

    About 1/3 of this paper must be
    direct quotations from your sources, and
    these must be followed by parenthetical citations.


    • NOTE: This week's readings are in the Week 4 Readings Folder in the Files section on Canvas.

      Be sure you look at the Sample Student Papers (they are models for your papers)

    WEEK 5 (11/18 - 11/22) Reading:
      All readings for this week are in the Week 5 Readings folder in the Files section of Canvas

    WEEK 6 (11/25 - 11/29)

    • Lecture 6
    • There is No Discussion this Week
      Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

    Alternative House Paper
    (due 11/27 Wednesday)

    Any paper not in MLA-8 format
    will not be accepted

    Also about 1/3 of this paper must be
    direct quotations from your sources, and
    these must be followed by parenthetical citations.

    • All readings for this week are in the Week 6 Readings folder in the Files section of Canvas

    • Don't forget to look at the Sample Student Papers

    WEEK 7 (12/2 - 12/6) Reading:
      All readings for this week are in the Week 7 Readings folder in the Files section of Canvas

    No work will be accepted after Sunday (12/15)
    That includes the final (Google Projects) paper,
    so be sure you look at all of the upcoming due dates.

    WEEK 8 (12/9 - 12/13)


    Google Projects Paper (due 12/11) Wednesday

    Papers not in MLA-8 format will not be accepted,
    and about 1/3 of this paper must be
    direct quotations from your sources, and
    these must be followed by parenthetical citations.

    Late papers will NOT be accepted
    after Sunday (12/15)

    Note: This week's Discussion
    is Extra Credit, worth up to 20 points.
    Points are based entirely on your Post;
    there are no Replies required.


    • Articles on Computers
      All readings for this week are in the Week 8 Readings folder in the Files section of Canvas

    No Late final essay will be accepted after Sunday (12/15)