readings, discussions, lectures
IN RESPONSE TO the changes dictated by the District, I am making this modified Class Schedule available to all of you. The changes are actually slight. though it does require me to chop off an assignment near the end, which will be fine; you can use a break near the end as you are prepping on Finals and doing Final Projects.
For online students this shift is minimally disruptive. If you are off visiting friends/family on Week 9 because you have already made plans, that's no big deal as long as you have internet access. If you already have plans taht will keep you away from computers that week, that's fine; you can do the assignments during the off time (and, in fact, I encourage you to try to get some of the reading and even work on the writing during the next two weeks; it will give you A LOT more time to finish up the papers and Discussions, and I will actually open the next few Discussions din case you want to start them early. Just try to pace yourselves.
Will this be an accounting nightmare for me for the next few weeks? Well, YEAH. That's OK; it just means I'll have a little less time to play WoW and binge watch Netflix; I'll be fine :)
Week 6 (3/16-3/20)
Your teacehrs will be training to put your classes online for the rest of the semester
Yes, for the remainder of this semester!
Week 7 (3/23-3/27)
Spring Break
Have fun, and be safe :)
WEEK 8 (3/30-4/3)
NOTE: if your Research Proposal was not APPROVED yet,
you may need to e-mail me a Revised Proposal
- There are some sample haiku for you to look at in the Week 8 Readings folder in the Files section on Canvas
WEEK 9 (4/6-4/10)
WEEK 10 (4/13-4/17)
- no lecture
(former home of lecture 7)
- no discussion
Comparison/Contrast Paper (due 4/17, Friday)
IMPORTANT: If you have still not gotten your
Research Paper Proposal approved and/or are
re-doing it, be sure it is
submitted ASAP!
WEEK 11 (4/20-4/24)
- No readings beyond the Lecture this week.
WEEK 12 (4/27-5/1)
- "Trying to Find Chinatown" in the Week 12 Readings folder in the Files section on Canvas
WEEK 13 (5/4-5/8)
- Antigone in the Week 13 Readings folder in the Files section on Canvas
Reminder: your finished Research Paper is due next week. I strongly recomment you mark up the assignment prompt and turn those notes into a checklist so that you don't forget anything.
WEEK 14 (5/11-5/15)
Research Paper due (5/15)
WEEK 15 (5/18-5/22)
Use the time this week to finish up your Creative Paper.
WEEK 16 (5/25-5/29)
Creative Paper due (5/29)
- There is no additional reading this week;
use this time to work on your final (optional) discussion and to study for finals.
WEEK 17 (6/1-6/2)
- In the Week 17 Readings folder on the Files section of Canvas, there is one amusing reading that goes with this week's Lecture and Discussion.
Final Week (and for us it is a short week) - good luck on all of your finals :)