Remember, discussions are worth 20 points each, and you must post your response to the Message Board no later than the due date in order to get credit.

After the class responses are posted to the Message Board, read what everybody has to say about the discussion topic and respond to any or all of them (you need to put at least one solid response to earn a "C," and if you are trying for maximum points, you will need to put up at least two substantive responses on the board), and feel free to respond to responses :)

Postings should be about 300+ words, and responses typically 200+ words. Use examples "quoted, documented" from the readings when possible.

You've had a chance to look at several creation myths--from Genesis, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Chinese folk tradition, even the Big Bang Theory. You're bound to have noticed that each myth has limitations--points that are not fully or logically explained (even the scientific version reaches a point that science cannot account for). You've also, no doubt, noticed a lot of similarities and some significant differences.

Answer the following question:

NOTE: I am not asking which you happen to believe in, if any. I am expecting you to apply logic/reason/objectivity to read these stories AS STORIES, which means that, yes, even if you literally believe in one of the versions, you must put that belief to one side for this topic and demonstrate that you can understand how stories work.

For example, with book 1 of Genesis, the passage of time is symbolic of just that, the passage of time. The word Day is an artificial, human concept which actually means different things on different planets.