from Genesis

For these you need to read the first 8 books from Genesis (the first book of the Bible.
Read any version you like, and there are tons of translations online.

I prefer the NIV as it is a newer scholar's translation. You can get to Genesis Book 1 here: The Beginning.

From there you will see a > arrow to the right of the text. Click that to move forward through Genesis Book 8;
That takes you to the end of The Flood; then skip ahead to the Tower of Babel (the first short part of Book 11).

NOTE: don't panic; this is not that long :)

Creation and Porquoi Myths

Phan Ku the Creator, a Chinese myth

Ulgen the Creator, a Russian myth

Divine Woman the Creator, a Native American myth

Mawu-Lisa the Creators, an African myth

The Big Bang Theory, a scientific myth

A small section from Ovid's Metamorphoses, for comparison
Note: if your text is missing sections from Book I of Ovid's Metamorphoses, check the e-Text links below

from the Classical Epics

The Iliad, a brief plot summary

The Odyssey, a brief plot summary

The Aeneid, a brief plot summary
Note: if you need Books VI and VIII, see the (e-Texts) links below :)

Miscellaneous Readings

"The Keys" from Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell

"Ulysses", Alfred Lord Tennyson

A number of our readings are available online;
here are a few sites with complete works (there are others); most are older translations in the public domain.
You may want to search around to see if you find a newer translation you like better :):

Metamorphoses Book I by Ovid
This is a prose translation; you mainly want to focus on everything from "The Giants" to the "Phoebus and Daphne" section (though if you do not have either of our anthologies, you will want to also read the other sections of Book I here)

The Iliad by Homer
Yes, it is very long; remember tha you are just reading the plot summary (above) and a few selected books (chapters); you do not have to read the entire work.

They Odyssey by Homer
Again, not the entire work

Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

Lysistrata by Aristophanes
Note: there are three key translations of this play (and some newer ones); some of the usage of current dialect (one Scots, another southern American) is pretty whacky

The Aeneid, Book IV by Virgil
Don't forget to read the plot summary above; it fills in a lot of blanks (though does not include these three books)

The Aeneid, Book VI by Virgil
from "The Entrance to Hades" to the end of Book VI

The Aeneid, Book VIII by Virgil
from "Venus Seeks Weapons from Vulcan" to the end of Book VIII

The Inferno by Dante
yes, we are reading the entire book (it's not that long); on, and if you can find it, I prefer the john Ciardi translation.

Selections from The Decameron by Boccacio
I have gathered some of the greatest hits and put them in Files section of Canvas for you

Don Quixote, Vols. I and II by Cervantes
BOTH volumes are quite long, but we are reading only a few books (chapters) from each