tell us a story...

This week's discussion is different; it is really less a discussion than a share week. After binge-watching The Mandalorian and The Umbrella Academy, I find myself watching a lot (too much?) of Games Done Quick runs on Twitch. I have two novels working at the same time, and I'm doing my best to avoid the news. Like the young men and women in Boccacio's frame story, I'm doing my best to lighten my life a bit during the pandemic.

I am guessing I am not alone.

If it is something you find on the internet, you can just share the link (make sure it works), or you can copy/paste the story into your POST. If it's something you have in a book and you have a scanner, you can scan and upload the file to the Discussion Board. It's not ideal (many things are not these days), but you could even take photos of pages with your phone and upload/attach the .jpg files to the discussion board, though Canvas has some limitations there, so you might find yourself INSERTING several .jpg files into a single Word .docx and uploading/attaching THAT file to the Discussion Board.

If none of that works, you can TELL THE STORY (yes, you could record a video or audiio file and upload/attach that, or you can type it out in your own words, keeping the spirit of the original in your re-telling, which is actually what the characers in the book did).

I'm going to get us started. I'll go over to the Discussion Board and POST a couple of stories for the class; they are quite different from one another, and I think you will enjoy them (I'm sure you'll let me know).

SPECIAL NOTE: This week NO REPLIES ARE REQUIRED. You are welcome to reply or comment if you like, but you will arn full points just for shaering :)