English 101 is the primary transfer-level English composition course. It is designed to help a student develop increased competence in writing which is lively, informative and carefully structured; increased competence in research techniques and documentation; increased competence in critical thinking and reading. This 3-unit course is fully transferrable to both UC and CSU.

who took the box?
the theme of this section of English 101

The focus of this section of English 101 is looking closely at the world around us in fresh and different ways. We have a lot of assumptions about the nature of life, the universe, and everything, but many of our ideas are things we have never really challenged or even thought about. We believe a lot of things because we have been told them, and we sometimes just accept what we are told. Consider that one of the most defining beliefs in many people's lives is religion. How many people know and will sometimes fight to the death the idea that Hinduism is the one true religion or that Christianity is the one true religion or that the Native American Church is the one true religion? Now, how many of those people believe this just because their parents told them, "You are a Hindu? You are a Christian? You are a member of the Native American Church?" Stop and consider how many people there are in the world. There are that many perspectives about what is true and real in the world. Based on different backgrounds, different experiences, different strengths/weaknesses, different imaginations, there are billions of "truths" in the world, and our job, in college/university, is to try to understand and be able to articulate more and more of them.

This semester you will be expected to look incredibly closely at everything from video games to Barbie dolls. You'll chart past and current trends and speculate on the future, all the while trying to analyze the significance of this stuff that seems so common and insubstantial but which actually is the material signaling many of our values and ideas. We are going to explore many ways people are trying to break free from conventional thinking; ideally we will not only think outside the box, with luck we may lose sight of that box entirely.

This is not a class in personal beliefs or opinions or abstractions or vague, general thoughts. It is a course in concrete details, examples, incidents. You WILL make a number of claims about the world and the things in it this semester.

What I will always require you to do is to back up those claims with evidence.

General Nature of the Course

This course functions very much like a correspondence course; the chief difference is the electronic environment and your relatively immediate access to your instructor (me). Also instead of students submitting work on paper, assignments are submitted, commented upon and returned via e-mail; lecture material, course deadlines, assignment information are available via the internet.

Class Schedule: Our Class Schedule is the most important page on our class website; it is the hub that allows you to reach nearly everything (lectures, discussion questions, paper topics, etc.) in the class. You will need to regularly keep track of assignment (reading and writing) due dates by referring to the Class Schedule. It is up to you to keep up with assignment deadlines. I highly recommend that you bookmark (mark as "Favorite") the Class Schedule page.

Lectures: There are a series of online Lectures on topics related to your reading and writing. Be sure to read the lecture material for each week listed because this should help you to understand what some of my expectations and special concerns are about your reading and writing.

Essays: Much of your grade is based on your written assignments. There are detailed instructions on how to produce and submit essays on the class Writing Assignments page. Read over this material very carefully; there are requirements on length, file format, MLA format, etc. that you need to know. Specific paper topic instructions can be reached through the links on the Class Schedule page or the Writing Assignments page.

Class Discussions: The rest of your grade will be based on class discussions of certain questions relating to the readings. Discussions will be conducted with the entire class on a Canvas message board (more information is available on the Discussions page). Be sure that you read this page thoroughly so that you can earn maximum discussion points.

Student Learning Objectives

Students who complete this course successfully should, minimally, be able to

Student Responsibilities

Your responsibilities for this course are really the same as those of any student taking any course with the following addition: you have to keep reminding yourself what is required (assignment dates, rules, etc.) because you don't have an instructor in the front of a room reminding you every class.

If you do not agree to all of the above requirements, do not take this course.

Textbooks and Software

                Required Texts