I am sure this is not your first English class, but they are not all the same

You have surely written and turned in papers, but different situations call for different requirements, formats, methods. In college English classes, for example, your papers must be in correct MLA-9 format to be accepted.

"Not a prob; I know MLA format!"

Do you? Really? MLA-9? MLA-8 (and 9) replaced MLA-7 way back in 2016, but most high school teachers I've talked to don't know that; they teach some odd, cobbled-together, sort-of MLA format from their own high school days, or they just teach APA (the format your psychology and sociology papers will surely be done in, not your English and humanities papers).

I mention this ONLY BECAUSE you need to know specific requirements for THIS CLASS, things like how to submit your work, what format your paper must be in and how to set up Word to make that happen--things like that. This is dull stuff; I know. But you need to know it.

General Information about Essays

Save a copy

always keep copies of all of your assignments. If there is a problem with either e-mail or snail-mail, you will need that copy to re-send for credit. Give it a name that is easy to recognize and save it on your computer where you can easily locate it.

Formatting in Word

Don't have Word?

You must still save your file as either a .doc or .pdf file (most software will allow you to do this). If you send me a .od or .wps or even a .pages file, they will be returned. And please, no ZIPPED files.

Each of our normal essays is worth up to 100 points (compare that to a Discussion or Quiz that clocks in at 20 or 10 points), so they are a big part of your grade. Other assignments will list points possible on the prompts. Here are some more facts about our essays:

how to submit your work

All essays must be in standard MLA-9 (Modern Language Association) format. For complete information on what this format looks like, you can refer to any current writer's handbook, but this simple document not only shows it, but it explains exactly how to set it up (and it's free):

Sample MLA-9 Format Essay in Word

I also have a few required MLA resources (including set-up videos) in the Files section on Canvas you'll look at, and You can also find information on places like the Purdue OWL site.

"But what if I'm using different software than what's on your set-up video?"

You might be. I use full-featured, standalone Word, and you may use a newer cloud-based version or something like Pages. It's not a problem. You may have to search a YouTube video on "How to set up MLA-9 paper using Pages" or "How do I set up an MLA-9 Works Cited page using Word 365" and so on. Those sorts of searches take SECONDS to do. And, of course, you CAN access Word 365 on SIS.

Added Notes About Different Word Processing Software:

other things:

late papers

Typically, a paper can be turned in up to a week late with just a 10% penalty. This is because sometimes things do happen. Yes, try to get things in early, or you will find that you have multiple assignments jammed up.

The last paper cannot be turned in late after the last day of class.

short papers

Any paper shorter than three+ full pages WILL NOT be accepted at all; you will be asked to revise it as a late paper. NOTE: Word count requirements or English classes is set by the State, the CSUs and the UCs. Courses that do not meet their requirements will not transfer.

other revisions?

We just do not have time. Look at the Class Schedule. There is a lot going on because this class is so short.

the "P" word, again

Plagiarized work will earn a "fail" (for that assignment). Plagiarized work is any work not your own (and, yes, that includes AI-generated text from software such as ChatGPT; that is not YOUR work).

final note:

Always, always ask! Send questions to JRCORBALLY@GMAIL.COM.

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