how to use this class schedule

Very important note: This is the official Class Schedule. and you absolutely do need to Bookmark or Favorite this page because you will be looking at it often.

All links to assignments, due dates, and lists of weekly readings are on this page. DO NOT expect the due dates to all be on Canvas. We use Canvas only for Announcements, the Grade Book, and the Discussion Board.
This page is the central hub for all of the class content. Everything is incredibly easy to get to from this page.

Read the Lectures and ALL weekly Readings at the beginning of each week; you are expected to understand them for the Discussions and Writing Assignments that week.

If you have any questions or are unsure about something, please email me at JRCORBALLY@GMAIL.COM; (not on Canvas, and not to the school email; both are unreliable)

what's below in the left column?

  • Links to the Weekly Lectures
    Read these at the beginning of the week.

  • Links to the Weekly Discussion Topics
    Posts are due Fridays before midnight, and
    replies are due Sundays before midnight.

  • Links to Writing Assignments
    with due dates listed.
Important: due dates are not optional.

what's below in the right column?

  • A list of the Week's Readings. Read these at the beginning of the week; all are required.
    Most readings are found in the Files section on Canvas; check the folder for that week.

  • Occasionally, these include Videos, which are also required and should be viewed at the beginning of the week.

  • Occasional suggestions about things to look ahead to

Important: Please always be looking ahead. This class moves very quickly, and the readings, assignments, papers take time to do well (and you want to do well).

Additional Note: On occasion you will be asked to Print a file to be used as a reference work.
Please do so; this takes the place of a very expensive handbook I am not making your buy, and there will not be many to print.

WEEK 1 (1/2 - 1/5)

  • Lecture 1
  • Orientation Assignment (due 1/3)
    Yes, this is Wednesday, the second day of class!

    Try to do the quiz (on Canvas) early to avoid being dropped.
  • Discussion 1 (due 1/5)
    This is a Friday.

    Postings are due Fridays;
    late postings earn no points.
    Responses continue through 11:59 p.m. Sundays.

REMINDER: Read the Lecture and the Readings for the week at the beginning of the week; you need these for writing assignments and discussions later in the week.

  • All readings for this week are in the Week 1 Readings folder in the Files section on Canvas

Please always be looking ahead. This class moves very quickly, and the readings, assignments, papers take time to do well (and you want to do well).

Be sure you are reading all ANNOUNCEMENTS on Canvas; much of my teaching takes place there.

Also, be sure you are reading all of my Responses on the DISCUSSION board on Canvas; a lot of my teaching takes place there as well; this means you should check back during the weekends to see if anything new has been added.

WEEK 2 (1/8 - 1/12)

  • Lecture 2

  • Too Much Stuff Exercise (due 1/10)
    Wednesday before midnight

    Reminder: papers not in correct MLA format will not be accepted,
    and late papers will be penalized 10%.

  • Discussion 2 (due 1/12)
    Remember, late posts earn no points,
    but you can keep responding until midnight Sunday

NOTE: some readings will apply to the writing assignments (due on Wednesdays for the short five-week class), and other readings will be for the week's discussion (due Fridays)

  • All readings are in the Week 2 Readings folder in the files section on Canvas

  • One of those files is an MLA-8 Sample reference you should print out to refer to for each of your Writing Assignments

  • There are also a couple of video links (these are REQUIRED, and I strongly recommend you have the "How to Set Up Your Paper..." video playing whenever you set up a Writing Assignment.

You get to the writing prompt via the link in the left box; be sure you read and follow the prompt very carefully; it is quite detailed, and there are very specific requirements; this will be true of all of your Writing Assignments.

Writing Assignments (such as the Too Much Stuff Exercise due this week) must be done in MLA-8 format (that includes the Works Cited)), or they will not be accepted, so be sure you do all the reading/watching in this Week's Readings folder.

More information on setting up your paper is available on our class Writing Assignments information page.

WEEK 3 (1/15 - 1/19)

  • Lecture 3

  • Upcycling Essay (due 1/17)
    Wednesday before midnight

    About 1/3 of your paper MUST be
    direct quotations from your
    research sources, and each of
    those quotations MUST be followed
    by a parenthetical citation.

  • Discussion 3 (due 1/19)


  • All readings are in the Week 3 Readings folder in the files section on Canvas

You get to the writing prompt via the link in the left box; be sure you read and follow the prompt very carefully; it is quite detailed, and there are very specific requirements.

I strongly recommend you make a checklist from the prompt so that you are sure you are not missing anything or veering off topic.

WEEK 4 (1/22 - 1/26)

  • Lecture 4
  • Alt House Essay(due 1/24)
    Wednesday before midnight

    About 1/3 of your paper MUST be
    direct quotations from your
    research sources, and each of
    those quotations MUST be followed
    by a parenthetical citation.

  • Discussion 4 (due 1/26)

  • All readings are in the Week 4 Readings folder in the files section on Canvas
WEEK 5 (1/29 - 2/2)

  • Lecture 5

  • Google Projects Essay
    (due 1/31)
    Wednesday, before midnight,

    No late papers will be accepted after
    noon Sunday (2/4)

    About 1/3 of your paper MUST be
    direct quotations from your
    research sources, and each of
    those quotations MUST be followed
    by a parenthetical citation.

  • Discussion 5 (extra credit) (due 2/2)
    Special Note: postings are due Friday,

    and there are no responses this week

  • All readings are in the Week 5 Readings folder in the files section on Canvas

No work will be accepted after noon Sunday (2/4), so be sure you look at all of the due dates/times on the Class Schedule above.