general information on the lectures

Most weeks, in addition to the essays, handbook readings, etc. that you are assigned, you are required to read the lecture material for that week. I recommend you read it early, even before you read the "Readings"; it will often give you some ideas to look for as you are reading. But if you fear that reading about the works in advance will spoil the surprise, you are welcome to read them essays first.

The best way to get to the lecture you will need for any given week is from the course Class Schedule page. But if you feel like reviewing (or even looking ahead), here are the lectures listed by topic:

the links

Lecture 1 : Reading to Write, Writing to Read

Lecture 2 : Reading - Glossing the Text and Writing About What you Read

Lecture 3 : Writing Essays - An Overview

Lecture 4 : To Research...or not

Lecture 5 : Critical Thinking (aka thinking)

Lecture 6 : "Who're you Trying to Kid?" (logical fallacies)

Lecture 7 : The Pre-Search Project (final checklist)

Lecture 8 : Quality of Evidence (GIGO)

Lecture 9 : Reasearch - The Process (from notes to outline to draft)

Lecture 10 : Reading and Writing about Literature (The Handmaid's Tale)

Lecture 11 : The Research Project (final checklist)

Lecture 12 : Reading and Writing about Literature ("Harrison Bergeron")