readings, discussions, lectures

Very important note: all assigned readings are required! Do not just do one or two items when several are listed; your discussions should demonstrate you've done all of the reading. Be sure to include documented quotations with parenthetical citations. If not, you will not earn full points.

Readings are to be done ASAP during the weeks in which they are listed below. Unless otherwise noted, the readings are available on Etudes under Resources > Additional Readings.

Click on the discussion, and lecture links each week to go to that week's discussions and lecture. There may be further links to click on some weeks.

Look at information on paper topics well in advance of paper due dates.

WEEK 1 (10/24-10/28)
  • Lecture 1

  • Orientation Assignment (due 10/27)
    Yes, this is the first OFFICIAL day of class!
    Feel free to turn this in early

  • Discussion 1 (due 10/28)
    postings are typically due Thursdays;
    this first week you have until Friday;
    responses continue until noon Sundays


IMPORTANT! before the first day of the semester e-mail me at:

AND REMEMBER unless otherwise noted here on the Schedule, readings can be found on Etudes in the Resources section under Readings.

  • "All About Suicide"
  • The Collected Short-Short Stories
BEGIN Station Eleven
(the novel is due Week 3; don't worry, it goes fast!)
(this is not on Etudes; you must buy the novel or check it out of a public library)
WEEK 2 (10/31-11/4)

  • Writing about Literature
  • Reading:
    • "A&P"

    • "How to Talk to Your Mother (Notes)"

    You may also want to get a start on Stories for Paper 1 (on Etudes);
    reading choices are listend on the Paper 1 assignment page.
    WEEK 3 (11/7-11/11) Paper 1 - short (due 11/10, Thursday)
    NOTE: essays are typically due Fridays, but 11/11 is a holiday;
    if you do turn in Paper 1 on Friday, I will not count it late.
    • Stories for Paper 1
    • The Collected Graphic Fiction

    NOTE: you should be finishing Station Eleven; be sure you have read and understood the Station Eleven Project.
    There are several choices for you to make; the project involves two papers (a research paper and a creative work).

    ALSO NOTE: the first part of the project, the Station Eleven Proposal (which has very specific requirements) is due next Monday; be sure you have looked over what is required for the proposal and looked at the sample proposals on Etudes.

    WEEK 4A: first part of week (11/14)

    Be sure you have read over all of the information on your Station Eleven Project options. There is a lot to read (follow all three links/pictures), but you need to see what each kind of project requires in order to make a decition about which you want to do.

    Station Eleven Proposal (due 11/14, Monday)
    Monday? Yes, Monday because these often need to be reworked quite a lot.

    Consider getting this in early.

    Be sure you read the instructions on what and how to submit;
    also, there are samples for each project proposal on Etudes.

    • Station Eleven (yes, you should have completed the whole novel)

    Note: Don't Panic! The following few readings are very short; we are going to relate them to the novel.

    • "Ozymandias"
    • "Not marble, nor the gilded monuments"
    • "Museum Piece"
    • (Optional): "Interface" or Pilgrim in the Microworld by David Sudnow

    Important: If you do not get your project approved, your research and final papers will not be accepted.

    WEEK 4B: second part of week (11/15-11/18)

  • How to Write a Research Paper
  • Reading:
    • "l(a"

    This poem is actually on the lecture page

    You may also want to get a start on Poems for Paper 2 (on Etudes);
    reading choices are listend on the Paper 2 assignment page.

    WEEK 5 (11/21-11/25)
    • Lecture 5

    • Discussion 4 (due, 11/23 Wednesday)
      Note: Thursday is a holiday; however, if you do turn this in Thursday, I will not count it late.

    Paper 2 - short (due 11/23, Wednesday)
    NOTE: Thursday and Friday are holidays; however, if you turn this in Thursday or Friday, I will not count it late.
    • "The Road Not Taken"
    • "Cinderella" (Etudes under Resources > Additional Readings)
    • "Aschenpeuttel" (a folk tale on Etudes under Resources > Additional Readings)
    • Poems for Paper 2
    NOTE: your Station Eleven Project Research Paper is due next week; it is a short research paper, but do not wait until the last minute :)
    WEEK 6 (11/28-12/2) Station Eleven Project Research Paper (due 12/2, Friday)
    • "The Cuban Swimmer"

    • "Trying to Find Chinatown"

    Both are very short; use the time to finish the research paper :)

    Also, be sure you have read the lecture How to Write a Research Paper, have looked at the Purdue OWL site to insure you are documenting correctly, and have looked at the sample research papers on Etudes. Yes, the paper is set up the same way you should have done your research paper in English 101, but sometimes students don't realize that that format is for ALL research papers, not just the one you did in English 101.

    WEEK 7 (12/5-12/9) Reading:
    • Antigone by Sophocles (there are many free versions on the internet)

    NOTE: this is a light week; you should be finishing up the Station Eleven Final Project.

    WEEK 8a: first part of week (12/12) paper Station Eleven: Final Project (due 12/12, Monday)

    NOTE: this is due Monday; it may be turned in late with the late penalty, but no late work will be accepted after Friday, 12/16

    • There is no additional reading this week;
      use this time to finish the Station Eleven Project

    NOTE: do be sure you read Lecture 8: instructions on how to submit your final project.

    WEEK 8b: second part of week (12/13-12/16)
    • No Lecture

    • No Discussion

    paper (Optional) Paper 3 - short due (12/16, Friday)
    • There is no additional reading this week;
      use this time to finish the Station Eleven Project

    ALSO NOTE: Paper 3 may be optional depending on what/how you did with Papers 1 and 2; that is all explained on the assignment page :)

    No late essays accepted after Friday 12/16