On these pages, you will find lectures that go along with the readings. Please read them carefully; they should help focus your reading and give you some ideas for your writing and discussion; they may also raise some questions you might want to post to the message board.

Use the links below to get to the lecture you want. You can also reach individual lectures from the class schedule page.

Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course

Lecture 2: "Once upon a time..." / Analyzing Literature / Analyzing Film

Lecture 3: From Writing to Film (translating an idea)

Lecture 4: Looking for Patterns, Symbols

Lecture 5: Genres in Film & Lit (a general introduction)

Lecture 6: The Western

Lecture 7: The Eastern

Lecture 8: Comedy

Lecture 9: Crime (the good guys)

Lecture 10: Crime (the bad guys)

Lecture 11: Horror

Lecture 12: Science Fiction